Getting to know Wayfinder Principal Engineer, Carlo Dal Mutto

Why did you join Wayfinder?

I was fascinated by the challenges Wayfinder is tackling. There are so many possible solutions to the same problem, so this role requires a lot of creativity in order to find the right solution to each individual challenge. I was also very intrigued by the team. During the interview process, I met so many smart individuals; I was excited about the prospect of working with them.

What do you do at Wayfinder?

I’m a principal engineer at Acubed. I focus on large projects rather than technological developments. I handle system architectural design and block diagrams for our end-to-end solutions to ensure all the pieces in a single project are working in sync from a technical perspective. My team is currently working on data fusion and defining the interfaces between multiple sensors. These sensors will allow aircraft to make the right decisions and detect-and-avoid any obstructions in the sky.

What’s the most exciting challenge you’re working on at Wayfinder?

My current challenge is managing multiple sensors; some are unique, while others you can find in other vision or autonomy applications. Exploiting the sensor performance requires designing and selecting the proper cell source to optimally solve any problems that arise. All sensors are very different in nature and extract different data. Data extracted by cameras is very different than data acquired by GPS and Radar, for example. We’re actively working on computer vision projects to develop code to handle calibration of these sensors. Things are changing rapidly, but it’s still possible to plan ahead when tackling complex problems.

Do you have any advice for people interested in pursuing similar work?

Be curious! My role and the tasks I manage are very diverse, so it’s important to be flexible and try to see challenges from a different perspective.

What do you love to do outside of work?

I spend a lot of my free time with my family. I have a two-year-old daughter—she’s now the boss and manages our time! When I have spare time, I also enjoy outdoor sports like running, cycling and hiking.

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