Connected Airsights

Active Project

Bringing Airbus' aircraft-as-a-platform vision to reality with enhanced onboard connectivity and next-gen digital services

Acubed Connected Airsights



By 2037, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) expects almost 8.2 billion passengers to fly every year. Bringing connected digital services to a number of passengers surpassing the current 5.35 billion worldwide internet users is not only a challenge, it's an opportunity to change the way we travel.



30% of airlines’ current pain points could be addressed with Acubed's AI-powered personalization engine and its AI-assisted digital service optimization, helping airlines boost ancillary revenues and provide a better passenger experience.

"Traveling on an aircraft should be an experience of its own, personalized to one's interest, connected to the world like you are at home, with that irreplaceable taste of adventure"

Cedric Cocaud

Project Executive, Connected Airsights

Make flights a connected and personalized experience for passengers, while creating new opportunities for airlines to boost customer loyalty and ancillary revenues.

Airbus is bringing its aircraft-as-a-platform vision to reality with enhanced onboard connectivity on the aircraft and next-generation digital services for its open software platform (OSP) for the benefit of both passengers and airlines.

At the core of these new services, Acubed is harnessing AI to enable new levels of passenger experience personalization to interconnect services, facilitate operations and assist airlines in optimizing the digital services they elect to offer on their flight.

Aircraft as an open platform to enable personalization and monetization

Our team is developing two new digital services:

  • AI-powered personalization engine
  • AI assistant to help airlines optimize digital services and the passenger experience.

Our solution works by capturing behavioral and situational data in flight and on ground, in order to provide personalized recommendations to passengers and data-driven insights to improve airlines' digital service usage and monetization.

Meet Team Connected Airsights

We're building a software & data platform to enable personalization and monetization on commercial aircraft. Our team is uniquely positioned to capture and adapt key AI technologies to the aviation environment with the vast experience of seamless personalized user experiences that is at the core of Silicon Valley’s success.

Check out our blog and publications for more in-depth details about Connected Airsights