
The Blueprint for the Sky:

The Blueprint for the Sky: The Roadmap for the Safe Integration of Autonomous Aircraft represents months of careful analysis by Airbus on the future needs for our airspace, the widespread impact of its forthcoming changes, and the development of the tools required for its enablement. The Blueprint is Airbus’ vision for UTM including stakeholder roles, air traffic configuration, and system architecture. It has been reviewed by a number of independent parties, including representatives from IATA, NATCA, GUTMA, the World Economic Forum, and the New Zealand Ministry of Transport.

The Blueprint is designed to catalyze collaboration as well as to educate and spark informed discussions between all stakeholders. Its goal is to align readers across the aerospace, drone, and unmanned traffic management industry, creating an understanding, at a high level, of the actions needed to realize a fully autonomous sky. By formulating standardized rules, procedures, and nomenclatures The Blueprint is intended to encourage innovation, ensure safety, maximize market potential, and speed up both the adoption and integration of autonomous systems worldwide. It is not a standalone document, but instead, serves as a public unveiling of what Airbus has determined, and a foundation from which we can publish more content or become more involved publicly.

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